A native of Newark, New Jersey, Pastor Tacha moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to pursue her education in medicine. While attending Oral Roberts University, she developed a passion for ministering and bringing healing to the emotional and spiritual needs of God’s people.
After three years as a pre-med student, she changed her major to psychology to pursue what’s been tugging at her heart, the emotional and spiritual well-being of others. She was soon ministering as an on-campus chaplain. She later completed her master’s in human relations at the University of Oklahoma and completed seminary at Liberty University.
After serving in various capacities in ministry including church administrator, and coordinating conferences for leading ministers, the Lord called her into full time ministry. In October 7, 2007, Kingdom Keys Ministries was launched in her Tulsa home. Soon she was teaching classes n theology and inner healing. As the church grew so did a vision for an established school of ministry that would teach individuals how to operate in the fullness of the anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring restoration to God’s people. God’s Gates Institute (GGates) was then launched in 2011. Since, that time many have acquired the tools necessary to help others live free. Pastor Tacha’s passion is to bring healing and freedom to those oppressed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Welcome to GGates Institute. I am thrilled that you are interested in studying the word of God, as our Father has commissioned us to do. There is no greater honor than to have your understanding enlightened to the revelation of Jesus Christ and the Father’s eternal purpose. There are many Bible courses and programs you can take online or through other institutions and ministries. What makes this program unique is its emphasis on practical theology. We are not interested in teaching theory, but the applied word of God. We do not want you to walk away with merely head knowledge but with the passion of the Holy Spirit that is anchored in doctrinal truth, personal sanctification, and unwavering commitment to the kingdom of God. Our aim is that you walk away with the very spirit of what God is saying and conveying.
As you apply yourself to study the Bible, your very life will be transformed, and that transformation will impact all those in your sphere of influence. You will receive not only an education but also inner healing and restoration. We emphasize scholarship and excellence in comprehension and application. The church needs those who can articulate and exegete the Scripture accurately and effectively to a lost world, as well as cooperate with the Holy Spirit to bring liberation to so many hurting people. The course offered will challenge you in many ways, but if you stick with it, it will prove to be invaluable. We are committed to your spiritual growth and I welcome you on this journey.
In Christ, Pastor Tacha
• BS., Oral Roberts University
• MS., University of Oklahoma
• MS., Liberty University
• Senior Pastor, Kingdom Keys Ministries, Tulsa OK
• Associate Minister, House of Gethsemane, Tulsa OK